Why should you try a new perfume brand? Why Dopamine Perfumes, you ask?

Well, there are some real solid reasons!

Longest Lasting Category

With 25% Perfume Oils, Dopamine Perfumes are classified as 'Parfums' as per International Fragrance Classification. 'Parfums' last longer than EDPs and EDTs

Fragrances for Happiness

If an aromatic blend doesn't trigger good feelings, its out of our shortlist

Taking on Designer Perfumes

We are on a mission to come out with aromatic blends that match Internatinal Designer Fragrances both in choice and quality

Pay for what Matters

No flamboyant packaging. No fancy bottles. No need to pass on extra cost to you. You pay for good ingredients, and that's what matters in a perfume

Variants curated for Occasions

What smells good at Work may not be the best choice when you are on a date, or out with friends. That's why we have variants for each occassion

Proudly Made in India

We are breaking the glass ceiling; we are breaking the myth. We believe that an evolved perfume user will buy a Made in India perfume if its good in quality

Got you Interested?

We are throwing in a try out discount. Use FEELGOOD15 at check out to avail of 15% discount on your enture order