Longest Lasting Category
With 25% perfume oils, Dopamine Perfumes are classified as 'Parfum' category as per International standards
Did you know the Perfume you use will last longer in Winters as compared to Summers?
Perfumes evaporate from your skin because of the warmth in the climate. A Perfume that contains less Perfume or Fragrance Oil will evapoarte faster.
India is in Tropical Zone with hot & humid climate. That's exactly why you need to have more Perfume OIls to nullify the evaporation.
And that's why Dopamine has chosen to be in the 'Parfum' Category with 25% Oil. An EDP can work in Western Countries due to their Climate but the same EDP will be far less effective here
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Fragrances crafted for the role that takes away most of our day - our work
"You must feel attractive to be attractive."
Fragrances that'll spice up outings with your special one
Your tirbe - friends, family, get togethers, parties, vacations & what not. A fragrance to set you in the mood as you make these memories